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Traditional Synergy In Visual Studio Should Expose Tasks To Export the Synergy Method Catalog (SMC)

Now that we have support for the Repository Project and xfServer Plus C# Generation the next step is to automate the updating of the Synergy Method Catalog XML File.

Ideally this process would be put into a Tattler Process to help developers understand when their changes cause ripple.

In order to do this today these steps have to be followed:

  1.     Build Repository
  2.     Build the SMC using MDU ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Synergex\SynergyDE\dbl\bin\dbr.exe" mdu R:\MDU -m "R:\MDU\rpsmain.eng" -t "R:\MDU\rpstext.eng" -u xfpl.smc)
  3.     Export the SMC using MDU ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Synergex\SynergyDE\dbl\bin\dbr.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Synergex\SynergyDE\dbl\mdu.dbr" R:\MDU -m "R:\MDU\rpsmain.eng" -t "R:\MDU\rpstext.eng" -e S:\TimsSVN\8x\Trunk\Synergy\CoreLibraries\XfServerLibrary\Program\cuxfpl.smc)
  4.     Diff the Files; if there are changes then you have caused Ripple.

We believe we have solutions today for 1 and 2; however we feel that Synergex should be providing the appropriate MSBuild Wrappers for step 3.


0 Comments | Posted by Ace Olszowka to Visual Studio Integration, xfServerPlus on 5/13/2019 9:34 PM
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